First off...sorry it has been so long. It has been hot and so having an oven on in the evening is not conducive for "air conditioning" the casa. Above you will see my first harvest. I will be the first to admit that I did a shitty job gardening this summer....I didn't weed enough, I didn't space out my seeds, we were in near drought conditions for awhile.......but oh well, there is always next summer. Also, I do know you should wait for your tomatoes to vine ripen...but we have so dang many of them that I just thought I would bring some home and let them ripen on my counter top. But all in all, I am pleasantly surprised with what I did get.

Next up...Chocolate Chip Cookies. I know some people in need of some cookies and so I go to my closet where I have all my cookbooks and see this one. I don't know if I have ever used it. I got it at my bridal shower from my mom. So I open it up and to be honest, it was quite overwelming...101 chocolate chip cookie recipes. That is a lot to distinquish..some you use beaters, others not. Some use cocoa, others use chip and then BAM....it was a sign from Mother Earth.....
And here were the results:
I am not planning to bring them to work but had three testers. The husband ate four, the kids each ate one (and licked the beaters, per their job description)...and they liked them and asked for more. Maybe it was the two sticks of butter that made them so good.....
Here is the recipe:
3 Cups Flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1 cup margarine (butter!!!)
1 1/3 cups granulated sugar
2/3 cups brown sugar
1 1/2 tsps vanilla extract
2 extra large eggs (I think I used large eggs and it still turned out)
3 cups of chocolate chips (I just used one whole bag of chips)
1)Preheat oven 325 degrees
2)Combine flour, baking soda salt
3)Cream butter and sugars and then beat in the vanilla and eggs, then slowing beat in the dry mixture, a little at a time. Then add the chips.
4)Bake for about 12 minutes...eat.
OMG! Your carrots look fantastic! Gorgeous photo of the harvest. I'm impressed. Isn't it therapeutic? In more ways than one.